1.4.18. Renegade – Interval

Warm Up (12-15 Min)

Group A (while group A is performing warm ups group B rows or jogs on treadmill until group A is complete…then switch)

:30 sec ea

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Active Spiderman
  • Active Sampson
  • Plank Push Ups


2 Rounds Of: 20 banded squats + 20 banded good mornings

Group B

  • row or jog on treadmill until group A is complete then switch

Workout A

EMOM x 24 (every minute on the minute)

  • 10 – bosu burpee then hop-over
  • MMF (max muscle failure) Inverted barbell rows
  • 6/6 – OH Plate lunges
  • 10 – Wall ab toss with Med Ball
  • 20 – Sit-outs
  • 30 – seated ab plate twist (25lb)
  • 10 – DB Deadlift to curl to press
  • 4 – shuttle sprint across turf – short way

Workout B

Complete Each: in no specific order (should take 20 minutes)

  • Row 1000M or Run .5 miles (may need to modify distance for slower folks)
  • 50 air squats
  • 50 kb swings
  • 50 push ups
  • Run 5 laps (10 lengths – sprint)