1.4.18. Renegade Barbell Foundations


  • 90s/90s KB Calve Smash
  • 90s/90s Soleus Wall Stretch
  • 60s Active Sampson
  • 60s Tactical Frog
  • 90s/90s LAX Lats
  • 60s Shoulder wall slides


Empty Bar Complex “you go I go” x 3

  • 6 Behind the neck squat + press
  • 6 Squat cleans
  • 6 High pulls
  • 6 Bent over rows


8 sets of 2 reps

  • 2 Power snatch to OHS
  • rest 90s


EMOM x 20 min

  • 5 Power snatch
  • 5 Push up planks + 4 over the bar burpees
  • Barbell toe taps until 30 sec mark
  • 10 Med ball jump slams
  • 15 Med ball accordion crunches