2.14.18. Renegade – 50/50

Warm Up

(16 min)

2 lengths each:

  • high knees + 6 rotational push ups
  • butt kicks + 6 walk out plank & reach
  • skip w. high knee drive + 6 down dog push ups
  • karaoka + 6 squat jumps
  • karaoka high knee + 6 plyo push ups


Partner Agility Cone Game

  • 20sec work : 40sec rest x 2 each partner


Partner “head shoulders knees cone” Game

  • 4 minutes of game time


4 Rounds of: 3 min work/2 min rest

  • 30 American KBS + 20 Wall Ball + 10 DB Lunges + Burpees until complete


20 Min AMRAP

*Get as far up the ladder as you can in 20 min

  • cal rows
  • barbell hang clean
  • step ups per leg (for Debbie)
  • ghb sit ups