4.3.18. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Partner Band Warm-up: You-go-I-go
Monster band forward walk (lean forward; drive the knees) 2 1 length Ea.
Monster band backward walk (sit back; knees bent) 2 1 length Ea.
Monster band back pedal 2 1 length Ea.
Monster band side shuffle (right) 2 1 length Ea.
Monster band side shuffle (left) 2 1 length Ea.
Monster band forward bounds 2 1 length Ea.
Mobility & Stretch
Ankle walk 1 D&B(half the gym)
Wall slides 1 15
Open the gate 1 10ea
Cat/Cow 1 15
Criss-cross hami stretch 1 30″ea
Standing quad stretch 1 30″ea
Timed Circuits (2 minutes on/ 1 minute off)
A1- Sled push 4 1 lap
A2- KB swing 4 10 to 15
A3- BB inverted row 4 10
A4- Wide-outs 4 until 2 mins. are up 1 minute
B1- KB/DB squat to shoulder press 4 15
B2- SA DB/KB Snatch 4 5ea
B3- MB Reverse OH throws 4 10
B4- Lateral line hops 4 until 2 mins. are up 1 minute
Tabata: (if needing extra activity)
C1- MB squat 4 20″ 10″
C2- Out-out-in-in 4 20″ 10″
D1- “V” sit 3 30″
D1- High plank w/ lat. Hand tap 3 10ea
D2- KB windmill 3 8ea 1′