5.17.18. Renegade Barbell – Foundations


Med ball foot taps
Inch worms
Walking RDL

Med ball foot taps
Active spiderman
Med ball dead lifts

Med ball foot taps
Med ball Front Squats
Med ball OH Press


Empty Bar Warm Up x 3 Rounds:

  • 8 high pulls
  • 8 hang cleans
  • 8 back squat
  • 8 behind the neck press
  • rest 60s


:90/90 lax/box front rack smash
:60/60 dowel front rack stretch
:90/90 hip flexor smash
:60/60 static hip flexor stretch


Every 2 Min on 2 Min for 6 Rounds:

  • 5 Power Snatch
  • 7 Plyo Push Ups
  • 9 Squat Jumps

Rest 3 min

Every 90 on 90 for 6 Rounds:

  • 5 Clean to Push Jerk
  • 7 HR Push UPs
  • 9 Air Squats

Rest 3 min

EMOM x 6 Rounds:

  • 5 Bent Over Barbell Rows
  • 7 Bar Push Ups
  • 9 sec Deadlift Bottom Hold