Ladder drills x 3 Ea / Exercises 1 x Ea:
- Ladder high knee skip + 10 pushups + 10 KB good mornings
- Ladder skiers + 10 close grip pushups + 5/5 KB SL RDL
- Ladder In-In-Out-Out + 10 Wide Grip Pushups + 10 KBS
- Ladder Alli’s + 10 Staggered Pushups (r) + 10 KB goblet squats
- Ladder Ickey Shuffle + 10 Stagger Pushups (L) + 10 KB Sumo deadlift high pull
1 Round Of: 5 UH Pull-ups
2 Rounds Of: 20 Wall Ball + 8 Lengths Plate Push
3 Rounds Of: 10 American KBS + 7 Down Dog Cobra Pushups + 10 Slide Board Abs
2 Rounds Of: 20 Wall Ball + 8 Lengths Plate Push
1 Round Of: 5 UH Pull-ups
A. 3 Rounds Each:
- Person 1: Row for the time it takes Person 2 to complete:
- Person 2: 15 plate sit-ups + 10 tuck jumps + 30 sec plank + 10 squat jumps
B. Jump Rope Pyramid:
Singles – 50/100/150/200/150/100/50
3/3 – 1/4 kb get-ups (this is after every set up singles)