8.29.19. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Elbow/instep/rotation 1 5ea
SA big shoulder circle 1 5ea/5ea
Over the gate 1 5ea
LAX ball arch smash 1 45″ea
MB Warm-up
MB squat w/ chest pass 2 10
MB slams 2 10
MB lateral throw 2 5ea
A1- 1KB RDL to goblet clean to OH press 3 21/18/15
A2- Run 3 400M
AMRAP w/ partner (you-go-I-go)
B1-Wall ball 18 mins 18
B2- KB swing 18
B3- Box jumps 18
B4- Calorie row 9
SB roll-out 3 10
Plank w/ finger tap 3 10ea
Russian twist 3 10ea 60″