12.19.19. Renegade – Barbell Foundations


Activation x 2 Rounds:

  • 20 banded bridge marching
  • 20/20 banded clamshells
  • 10/10 SL squats
  • 10/10 bird dogs


3 Rounds Empty Bar Warm Up:

  • 5 hang high pull
  • 5 hang clean
  • 5 front squats
  • 5 strict press
  • 5 bent-over rows
  • rest 1:00


1:00/1:00 KB calve mobility
2:00 roller/barbell t-spine extension


2 Warm up sets to A

A. E30 Sec on 30 x 5 minutes:

  • 1 PC + 1 SJ

B. 15 Minutes To Build To A Heavy Complex Of:

  • 3 hang squat cleans + 1 split jerk


8 Minute AMRAP

  • 3 power snatch
  • 7 barbell push-ups
  • 11 air squats
  • 15 butterfly sit-ups