8.12.21. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Heel Walk 1 1L
Toe walk 1 1L
Sit to stand 1 10
Quadruped thoracic rotation 1 10ea
Egyptians 1 10ea
Monster Band W.U.
Band good mornings 2 10
Band chest press 2 10
Band OH press 2 10
Quadruped Band SL kick-back 2 10ea
Mini AMRAP Repeats
A1- Battle rope – big waves 3 sets 12
A2- Goblet good morning 3 min 6
A3- 1/2 kneeling alt. SA band lat. Pulldown AMRAP 6ea
*Rest 1 minute between each 3-minute work bout
B1- Skier jumps 3 sets 12ea
B2- Band SL hip ext. 3 min 12ea
B3- TRX biceps curl AMRAP 12
*Rest 1 minute between each 3-minute work bout
C1- Plate to OH 3 sets 12
C2- Band chest flies 3 min 12
C3- Toe touches AMRAP 15ea
*Rest 1 minute between each 3-minute work bout