4.7.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Singles 3 50
Mini Band SL hip extension 3 10ea
Singles 3 50
3-way band pull 3 5ea
Singles 3 50
BW squat 3 15 30″
SMR & Mobility:
SMR back + Downward dog to upward dog 1 60″+15
SMR glutes + F/B hip swings 1 45″ea+ 10ea/10ea
SMR IT bands + Lateral hip swings 1 45″ea+10ea/10ea
SMR hamis + Infant squat 1 60″+ 10
METCON (get as far as you can in 20 minutes)
A1- MB slams 20/18/16/14/12…
A2- Pivoting KB swing 5ea
A3- Push-ups 20/18/16/14/12…
A4- Tire sledgehammer 5ea
A5- Decline lying SL hip bridge 20/18/16/14/12ea…
A6- BB hang snatch 5
Partner throw downs 3 10
Partner plank and clap 3 10ea
Partner MB feed and toss 3 10 1′