9.19.22. Renegade – Strength


(13 min)

EMOM x 7 Min

  • cone killers


3 Rounds Of:

  • 5/5 glute bridges on plate
  • 20 plate hop overs
  • 5 UH negative pull-ups (4-1-1)


10/10 fire hydrants
10 roll back to v-reach
:90 tactical frog


(25 min)

A. Series – 4 Rounds:

  • 15 back squats
  • 5/5 SA DB split jerks
  • 8 seated box jumps
  • 8 OH rev. med ball throws
  • rest :60

B. Series – 2-3 Rounds:

  • 15 db hammer curls
  • 8/8 db lateral lunges
  • rest :30


(17-20 min)

“Wall Ball Biathlon”

Buy In – 25 butterfly sit-ups
800M Run (3x’s around building)
40 wall ball
400M Run (1.5x)
30 wall ball
200M Run (d/b middle of building-to end- to other end- back to middle of building)
20 wall ball
100M Run
10 wall ball
Cash Out – 25 butterfly sit-ups