12.29.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Bent-over I’s, Y’s and T’s 8ea
Sit-to-stand 10
Ankle walk 10ea
1/2 kneeling thoracic rotation 10ea
Pacer W.U.
A1- Rower (PACER) 3 200M
A2- PVC squat 3
A3- 2L Grapevine +2L Shuffle 3 30″
9 to 5
A1- Mini band SL hip extension + MB OH throw 9 9ea+9
B1- Triceps dips + Toe touches 8 8+8ea
C1- PVC OH squat + Walking KB swing 7 7+7
D1- Single suitcase DL + Broad jumps 6 6ea+6
E1- BB inverted row + Same side lunge jumps 5 5+5ea
*1-2 minute rest between completing all sets and reps of each exercise pair*
“V” sit 3 30″
Stir the pot 3 10ea
1/2 kneeling KB windmill 3 8ea 60″