8.4.23. Renegade – Strength


3 Rounds:
1:00 row/bike
:30 air squats
:15 down backs


4:00 coaches choice general mobility

*COACHES NOTE: have members spend 5 minutes setting up equipment for 44 Minute Clock WOD


With a 44:00 Clock:

at 0:00 with a 9 min cap

  • 400M run (1.5 x around)
  • 10 American KBS
  • 10 Knees 2 Elbows
  • 10 American KBS
  • 400M run

at 12:00 – 20 Minute AMRAP with a partner “you-go-I-go”

  • 8 barbell deadlifts
  • 20 med ball slams
  • 8 strict db press
  • 20 total med ball ab twist
  • 8 bent-over barbell rows

at 35:00 with a 9 min cap

  • 400M run (1.5 x around)
  • 10 American KBS
  • 10 Knees 2 Elbows
  • 10 American KBS
  • 400M run