1.5.24. Renegade – Strength


20:10 x 4 Rounds:

a) jumping jacks + long lever planks
rest 1:00
b) wide-outs + bicycle abs
rest 1:00


:30/:30 quadruped t-spine rotation with reach
1:00/1:00 static hamstring stretch
:90 tactical frog


A. Series – 4 Rounds:

  • 15 back squats
  • 10 ball leg curls
  • rest :90

B. Series – 4 Rounds:

  • 8.8. SA db lunge + press
  • 12 UH bar rows
  • 15 ball exchanges
  • rest 1:00

C. Series – 3-4 Rounds:

  • 6.6. DB step up to hammer curl
  • 8 bar good mornings
  • 12 DB pull overs
  • 12.12. Med ball slam Russian Twists
  • rest 1:00