5 Minutes SMR – Member Choice
1st Round – 1:00 Each:
- rower
- wall sits
- push up – bottom hold
- v-sit hold
2nd Round – :45 Each:
- rower
- wall sits
- push up – bottom hold
- v-sit hold
3rd Round – :30 Each:
- rower
- air squats
- plank push ups
- v-sits
A. Series – 4 Rounds:
- 8-10 db hammer curl + strict press
- 12-15 trx rear delt flys
- 10/10 monster band (fixed to rig) lateral leaps
- :45 plank
- rest 1:00
B. Series – 3 Rounds:
- 10/10 barbell rev. lunges
- 15 banded push ups
- 5 heavy American KBS
- 12 barbell skull crushers
- rest 1:00
C. Core Series – 3 Rounds:
- 25 crunches with feet up
- 12/12 side plank crunches
- 15 supermans