4.5.24. Renegade – Strength


5 Minutes General Mobility


4 Rounds Each Group – 1st exercise = :30, 2nd = :20, 3rd = :10

  • a – wall sits + monster band OH press + squat jumps
  • b – partner med ball ab toss + partner squat toss + bottom pushup hold


A. Series – 5 Rounds:

  • 3 back squats w. tempo 3-3-1
  • 5 db squat jumps
  • 15 db quick rows
  • 10.10. landmine rotation
  • rest 1:00

B. Series – 3 Rounds:

  • 5.5. bar rev. lunges
  • 8.8. ice skaters
  • 8 lat pulldown
  • 10 db pull overs
  • rest 1:00

C. Series – 3 Rounds:

  • 8.8. db side lunge to db curl
  • 5 depth jump to broad jump
  • max pulp hold
  • 10 plyo push ups
  • rest 1:00