This is 2 of 5 Advocare Product Reviews that are guaranteed to help you lose that stubborn body fat!
Are you……
*On the go
**Kids first, you second
***Need to lose fat
****Need a nutritious breakfast


Here is what Advocare Meal Replacement Shake will help you do:
*Quick for on the run
**Mix with water
***24 grams of protein
****5-6 grams of fiber
*****26 vitamins and minerals and only 220 calories
******Help you burn fat
*******Contains 50% of the daily value of calcium
You can also mix this product with frozen or fresh fruit for extra nutrition!
So stop eating quick and easy high carb and high fat food for breakfast and simplify your life with this product! To order, click on the “Advocare Meal Replacement Shake” link on the right-hand side.