I had been overweight and out of shape most of my adult life. I always joked that I was on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it! It is a known fact that I tend to hide my insecurities behind a joke. At 42 years old, 320 pounds, a 48 inch waist, and out of breath to just bend over and tie my shoes; it was no joke! I remember being embarrassed when I had to ask a flight attendant for a seat belt extender on a flight. I knew I needed to do something, but I was too content with my current situation and weight.”
“It finally took a health scare and an overnight visit in the hospital to give me the wake call that I needed. I was driving home from work one evening and feeling so light headed and dizzy that I had to stop and get out of my vehicle to get some fresh air. The following weeks I began having chest pains. Upon calling the medical clinic, they directed me to go directly to the emergency room, and not to drive. It was discovered that my blood pressure and cholesterol were both dangerously high. I was kept overnight for observation and a stress test was scheduled for the following morning. I was concerned, as heart disease is hereditary in my family. During a follow-up visit with my doctor, I was put on medications to reduce my high blood pressure and cholesterol.”
“Unfortunately, the medications were not enough. My blood pressure and cholesterol did lower, but they were still high. Deep down, I knew the answer; get in shape or suffer the consequences.”
“I knew that I needed to find an exercise routine that I would enjoy and would benefit from. I decided to join the Eagan, MN Life Time Fitness. I was committed to having a healthy lifestyle, so I made a few decisions. One of those decisions was hiring a personal trainer.”
“When I hired Ryan Branson, he assured me that the process would be straightforward. He took my goals very seriously and focused his attention towards all of my uncertainties and weaknesses. He structured my program around a periodized schedule which met different phases my body was going through.”
“Working with Ryan over the past two years I have lost over 120 pounds, went from a 48 inch waist to an amazing 35 inch waist, and have completely removed my blood pressure and cholesterol medication from my daily routine.”
“The most recent time I met with my doctor he referred to me as a poster child for good health!”