1.17.19. Renegade – Barbell Foundations


3 Rounds – cardio user choice:
1st – slow
2nd – faster
3rd – fastest


Empty bar warmup x 2 Rounds

  • 5 snatch grip high pull
  • 5 power snatch
  • 5 OHS
  • 5 PC
  • 5 PJ
  • 5 FS


1:00 active sampson
1:00/1:00 hip flex stretch
:90 SMR t-spine
1:00/1:00 t-spine/shoulder floor trace


A. Series – 15 minutes to work up to a heavy complex of:

  • 1 power snatch
  • 2 hang power snatch

B. Series – 12 minutes to work to a heavy complex of:

  • 1 clean pull
  • 2 squat cleans
  • 3 front squats


3-4 Rounds Of:

  • 6 banded clean pulls
  • 15 slide board leg curls