Warm Up
4 Minutes Of: 1 length lunge w. knee grab, 2L side shuffle
3 rounds of: 10 air squats to calf raise + 10 Russian push ups
2 rounds of: 10 kb good mornings + 10 db shoulder rotation
1 round of: 10 press ups
Strength #1
4 rounds of:
a1. 3/3 KB Turkish get ups
a2. 8 weighted box jumps or squat jumps
a3. 15 2-arm db bent over quick rows
Rest: 1:00
Strength #2
B1. 4×10 Bench Press
B2. 3/3 Heavy SA DB Snatch
B3. 8/8 KB RFE Split Squats
B4. 8 Broad jumps
*Rest 1:00
- banded bicep curls
- leg raises
- banded tricep pushdowns (use monster bands hooked to pull up bars on back wall)
- Flutter Kicks