10.16.17 Renegade – Strength


General Mobility (coaches choice)


1st Set 90 sec ea

  • wall sits
  • push-up bottom hold
  • v-sit hold

2nd set 60 sec ea

  • wall sits
  • push-up bottom hold
  • v-sit hold

3rd set 30 sec ea

  • air squats
  • plank push up
  • v-sits


A. series: 4 Rounds

A1. 5 Strict BB Press

A2. 10/10 Banded Lateral Hops

A3.12-15 Banded Ring Dips

A4. 12-15 TRX Rear Delt Flys

A5. 20 Ball Exchange


B. series: 3 Rounds

B1. 15-20 Plate Deficit Pushups

B2. 3/3 Turkish Get Ups

B3. 8/8 SL Box Jumps /or/ SL Squat Jumps

B4. 15/15 Side Plank up/down

Testing: 2k Meter Row Test

**do this in groups of 3’s then come back to workout