11.16.17 Renegade – Barbell Foundations

Warm up

:30s easy row, active spider man, walkout plank & reach

:30s medium row, down dog push ups, active sampson

:30s fast row, box jumps, air squat to calf raise


barbell warm up of(x3): 5 thrusters + 5 bent over rows + 5 behind the neck squat and press


  • 30s rev prayer
  • 30s prayer
  • 30s wrist rolls
  • 30s wrist waves
  • 2 min ea front rack stretch


A1. 4×2 Barbell Clean + Split Jerk

A2. 20 Hollow Rocks

Rest 90s



4 Min Amrap

  • 27 Cal Row
  • 21 power cleans
  • 15/15 lateral line hops
  • Rest 4 min

4 Min Amrap

  • 27 MB Slams
  • 21 power cleans
  • 15 Box Jumps
  • Rest 4 min

4 Min Amrap

  • 27 Wall Ball
  • 21 power cleans
  • 15/15 front-back line hops
  • Rest 4 min

4 Min Amrap

  • 27 MB Wall Ab Toss
  • 21 power cleans
  • 15 burpees
  • Rest 4 min