11.22.21. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up:

  • x2 High knees + 10 air squat-calf raise + 10 kgsu
  • x2 Butt kicks + 10 down dog push ups + 10 leg drops
  • x2 Karoka + 10 prisoner lunges + 10/10 bicycle abs
  • x2 Karoka High Knees + 10 sitouts + 10 supermans

Class Game(clamp):

  • 2 Teams
    • from start (person 1) – sprint to 1st cone
    • side shuffle to 2nd cone & grab ball/clamp from bucket
    • side shuffle back
    • back peddle to 1st cone & drop ball/clamp in bucket
    • next person in line repeats
  • Group w. least amount of clamps/balls = 15 burpees


A. Series – 4 Rounds

  • 10 Sumo Deadlifts
  • 6 Box jump – depth jump – broad jump
  • 15 MB push ups
  • Rest 1:00

B. Series – 4 Rounds:

  • BB Strict Press
  • 5 UH Pullups
  • 8 T-bar Rows (machine)
  • Rest 1:00

C. Series – 3-4 Rounds:

  • 1L DB Lunges
  • 15 med ball ab toss
  • 1L DB Lunges
  • 15 butterfly sit-ups
  • 12 db skull crushers