11.23.21. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
SMR + Mobility
SMR Quads + Tabletop to tripod 60″+ 10ea
SMR Back + Quadruped thoracic rotation 60″+ 10ea
SMR Hamis + PVC pass-through 60″ea+ 15
SMR Shins + Standing calf circles 60″+ 10ea/10ea
Traveling Forward lunge + traveling reverse lunge 3 1L + 1L
Downward dog hold 3 30″
Ladder Drop-off
A1- Rope climb (or mod. Rope climb) 11 1 (or 2)
A3- Tall kneeling walk-up 10 2ea
A4- Sit-outs 9 3ea
A5- Kneeling MB OH throw 8 4
A6- Power step-ups 7 5ea
A7- Goblet good morning w/ OH press 6 6
A8- SA KB high pull 5 7ea
A9- SL F/B line hops 4 8ea/8ea
A10- Kneeling DB pullover 3 9
A11- DB squat jumps 2 10
A12- Spiderman push-ups 1 11ea
*Katie: Have them start at A11 and work their way up to A1.
Drop A11 and start at A10 for set two. Repeat until all exercises are eliminated.
SB Dbl. knee tuck 3 15
High pledge plank 3 10ea
Paloff hold 3 20″ea 60″