Warm Up:
20:10 x 3
- stork stance hold(right) + KGSU-roll over-superman-roll back and repeat + stork stance hold(left)
- rest 60 sec
- side plank hold (right) + bottom squat hold + side plank hold (left)
- rest 60 sec
- tactical frog – 2 min
a. 4×6 Barbell squats (105/135) (don’t rush through sets – do it correctly, up in weight each set)
*rest 90 sec
Strength Endurance:
30:15 x 5 rounds
b1. oh plate lunges (25/35)
b2. lateral hop overs (tape mobility bars to cones)
b3. jump pull ups (set up boxes under rig for those that need them)
b4. TRX/Ring rows
b5. MB wall ab toss
Finisher Relays
12 min AMRAP “You go I go”
- sprint 4 lengths
- 4 – Renegade row + burpee + curl + press – repeat
- 9 wall ball