12.20.17. Renegade – 50/50

Warm up

:30s Go’s

a. slow speed banded row

a. scap pull ups

a. down dog push ups

b. medium speed banded row

b. active spiderman

b. air squat – calf raise

c. fast speed banded row

c. pvc pass through

c. inch worms


90s/90s pigeon pose

60s/60s calf raise

Part I.

5 minutes practice power snatch


10 power snatch (65/55)

10 lateral burpee over the bar

20 front rack squat (65/55)

10 lateral burpee over the bar

10 power snatch (65/55)

Part II.

10 RFT

  • 100 singles
  • 10 pull ups
  • OH Plate carry (45/35)

Part III.

AMRAP with time left

  • 2 lengths heavy sled push
  • SA KB OH lunge down – right/back – left
  • 10 box jumps
  • 30 sec wall sits