12.5.18. Renegade – 50:50


(8-10 min)

Chipper Warm up

50 Singles
10 kb goodmornings
10 down dog to cobra
50 singles
5/5 rev. lunges
5/5 active sampson
5/5 lateral lunge & reach behind
50 singles
10 DB I’s (3-10 lb)
10 DB Y’s
10 DB T’s
50 singles
1L bear crawl
1L crab walk
10/10 plank thread the needle
50 singles


:90/90 SMR lats
:60/60 banded lat stretch


(21 min)

a) 30:15 x 4 Rounds

  • alternating KBS + KGSU

rest 1:00 (after 4 rounds)

b) 30:15 x 4 Rounds

  • alternating HEAVY KB clean + slide board abs

rest 1:00

c) 30:15 x 4 Rounds

  • alt. modified (use bar on rig) pistol squats + plank push-ups (plank only for modification)

rest 4:00 before starting Part II.


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 shuttle sprints


10 of CORE PICKEM – you can choose 10 reps of any of the following after completion of each round of shuttle sprints (SET UP CORE STATIONS IN-FRONT OF DB RACKS)

  • hollow rock hold for 10 seconds
  • KB postural sit-ups
  • v-ups
  • side plank crunches L/R
  • mermaid sit-ups L/R