Warm Up
**Coaches note: divide class in half(1/2 starting on rowers, bike/treadmills & 1/2 starting on booty bands)
- 2 minute max cal on bike/row/treadmill
- Booty Bands x 2
- 20 monster band air squats
- 20 monster band good mornings
- 20 ea side monster band hip/knee extension
- 20 mini band clamshells
Part I:
15 Min Calorie AMRAP “you-go-I-go” style
- P1: 5 calorie rows/bike
- P2: plank until p1 complete
- P3: crunches with feet up until p1 complete
10 Min AMRAP
- Minute 1 – 1 HR pushup + jump rope until M1 is complete
- Minute 2 – 2 HR pushup + jump rope until M2 is complete
- Minute 3 – 3 HR pushup + jump rope until M3 is complete
- Minute 4 – 4 HR pushup + jump rope until M4 is complete
***Same format for all 10 minutes
REST 4 minutes and stretch until Part II begins
Part II:
EMOM x 20 Min
A: 1 round of: 15 air squats + 10 Amer. KBS + 5 jackknives
B: 10 Hang power snatch (75/55)
C: :30 Air bike
D: Rest 1 minute