3 Rounds/:30 Ea:
- bridges
- side plank – R
- side plank – L
- fixed band to rig – hip hinges
30:15 x 3 Rounds:
- air squat – calf raise
- turf width side – shuffle
1:00 lateral high box step-over
1:00/1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 tactical frog
A. Series – 5 Rounds:
- 1 warm-up set back squats
- 8 pause back squats with :03 bottom squat hold
- 10 bench rev. hyper ext.
- rest :90
B. Series – 3 Rounds:
- 8/8 RFE split db squats
- 6 UH pull-ups
- 20 empty bar curls
- rest 1:00
C. Core Series – 2/3 Rounds:
- 20 plate sit-ups
- 10/10 seated lateral med ball wall toss
- :45 short lever plank