2.4.20. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Ladder Drills + Mobility
SL hops 1
SL lateral hops 1
Ankle circles 1 10ea/10ea
2in-2out 1
2in-2out lateral 1
SA big shoulder circles 1 10ea/10ea
Icky shuffle 1
fight shuffle 1
Fire hydrants 1 10ea/10ea
Hop scotch 1
Grapevine 1
Bent-over thoracic rotation 1 10ea
A1- DB clean and press + DB OH walk + Sprint 6 12+2L+2L
B1- Lateral bounds 3to4 5ea
B2- Squat to MB 3to4 10
B3- MB slams 3to4 15
rest 20″ 20″
B1- 1/2 kneeling boxer halo 3to4 5ea
B2- Lunge jumps 3to4 10ea
B3- Froggies 3to4 15 60″
C1- Lying flutter kicks 3 30″
C2- Plank w/ alt. SL raise 3 30″ 60″