2.8.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Modified froggies 2 60″/30″
Lying hip bridge 2 60″/30″
Scaption from toes 2 60″/30″
Inch worm 2 60″/30″
Lax seated glute w. int/ext. rotation 1 90″Ea
Quadruped thoracic rotation 1 10ea
Dead hang 1 30″
Banded front rack stretch 1 60″ea
“T” spine floor trace 1 10ea
Timed circuits:
A1- Tire sledgehammer 6 minutes 5ea
A2- Froggies (AMRAP) 10
A3- Band chest flies 10 minimal
B1- Sled push 6 minutes 1 length
B2- Band biceps curl (AMRAP) 10
B3- Sit-outs 5ea minimal
C1- Mini step hops 6 minutes 15
C1- Double KB clean (AMRAP) 10
C3- TRX triceps extension 10 minimal
D1- MB slams 6 minutes 10
D2- KB good morning (AMRAP) 10
D3- High knees 15ea minimal


(If you have extra time, finish with abs)