3.11.25. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm up
Jog+ 3-way band pull 2 2L+8ea
Jog+ Banded lying SL hip bridge 2 2L+10ea
Jog+ Supermans 2 2L+15
Jog+ BW squat to calf raise 2 2L+15
M1- Battle rope- 2in/2out 3 15″
M2- Power step ups 3 5ea
M3- American KB swing 3 10
M4- SL RDL to OH press (left) 3 5
M5- SL RDL to OH press (right) 3 5
M6- Mtn. climbers 3 15ea
M1- Battle rope- slams 5 25
M2- Jam Ball UH toss 5 8to10
M3- Rower sprint 5 30″
M4- TRX push ups 5 15
Weighted dead bug 3 10ea
Russian twist 3 12ea
High pledge plank 3 15ea 60″