(19 min)
E90 On 90 x 3 Rounds (13.5 min)
- M1: side shuffle until 30s mark + max plank
- M2: jog until 30s mark + max v-hold
- M3: row until 30s mark + 15 supermans
- 90s/90s couch stretch
- 90s – smr t-spine
E2MOM x 10 min
- Defecit Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5
- 5 Renegade Row + Burpee + Curl + Press
*Stand on 25 or 45lb plates to increase range of motion beyond your normal deadlifts. If you struggle to perform, revert to your normal deadlifts.
2 Rounds of:
a1. 15 EZ curl bar bicep curls
a2. 8 of each – bent over db I’s/Y’s/T’s
*no rest
E90 On 90s for 30 min
- M1: row for 75s
- M2: 10 wall ball + 8 burpees
- M3: 5/5 alt kbs + 5 HR push ups + 5 KGSU + 5 air squats
- M4: 10 DB Thrusters