*2 Groups
- Group A – completes 1 Round of 3 ladder drills plus neg. push ups
- Group B – rows until Group A is complete, then both groups switch before moving onto round 2
Ladder Drills x 4 EA
Round 1:
- High knees
- In-In-Out-Out
- 2 Feet hops
- 5 Neg Push Ups (5-1-1)
Round 2:
- Lateral High Knees (2/2)
- Ickey Shuffle
- Lateral In-In-Out-Out (2/2)
- 5 Neg Push Ups
Round 3:
- Tuck Jumps – skip 1 run
- SL Hops (2/2)
- 2 Feet Forward – 1 Foot Out (2/2)
- 5 Neg Push Ups
A. Every 2 Min For 12 Minutes Perform:
- 8 Deadlifts
- 4/4 SA KB Snatch from ground
- 7 KGSU
B. 3 Rounds Of:
- 10 Push Press
- 10 Banded Push Ups
- 20 Banded Tri-Ext
- Rest 60s
Get as far up the ladder as you can with time left with rep count:…..keep going
- KB Deadlifts (use 2 KB’s)
- Sprints (in lengths)
- Box Jumps
- Butterfly Sit Ups