4.15.21. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
SMR- Member choice 5 minutes
Plate OH hold 3 30″
PVC squat 3 10
Grapevine 3 2L
A skip 3 2L
A1- Rower 15 mins 10 cals
A2- KB traveling lunge AMRAP 2L
A3- Bosu skier jumps 15ea
A4- Mod. Handstand hold (on box) 30″
A5- SB hami curls 15
A6- SA KB high pull 10ea as needed
100 Challenge
B1- Band face pull 3 25
B2- BW squat to MB 3 25
B3- Band chest press 3 25
B4- KB swing 3 25 60″
Stir the pot 3 12ea
Lateral band chop 3 12ea
Spiderman plank 3 10ea 60″