(15 min)
- 2L soldier walks
- 2L active warrior pose
- 2L heel step walk
- 1L/1L open/close gate
- 2L lunge with high knee grab
:60s/:60s pigeon pose
:60s/:60s calve stretch
2 Rounds of 30:15
- SL Squat
- Sit-outs
- Supermans
(35 min)
a1. 4×5 barbell bench press
a2. 20 DB front squats
a3. 10 box jump to db curl
a4. 15 slide board abs
*rest 30 sec
b1. 3×8/8 db lunge-oh press
b2. 10 inverted trx rows
b3. 15/15 side plank crunches
b4. 15 db oh tri-ext
*rest 30 sec
amrap with time left
- 2 lengths sled push
- 5 burpees
- 8 modified bench hop overs
- 11 wall ball
- 15 kgsu