(7 min max)
- 2L Butt Kicks + 2L Quad stretch & reach
- 2L High Knees + 2L Active Sampson
- 2L High Knee Skip + 1L Inchworm + 1L Heel step walk
- 2L Karoka + 2L Walking air squats
(16 minutes)
A1. Bench Press
1st set – 4 reps (95/135)
2nd set – 3 reps (105/155)
3rd set – 2 reps (115/175)
4rth set – 1 rep (max effort)
A2. 8 Barbell High Pull (75-85/95-115)
A3. 8-12 DB Hammer Curls
*Rest 60s
Run 1 mile (gym – to – Black Hawk Road & Back…..6am, 10am and 5:30pm class can modify to 4 times around the building)
*save your time
then complete (X) Rounds for time of:
- 7 DB Thrusters
- 10 Over the box jumps
- 17 Cal Rows
Run 1 mile – leave gym with exacts 1 minute over the time it took you to run your first mile, before class finishes.