6.10.22. Renegade – Strength


:20/20 leg swings – side to side
:40 plank push ups

:20/20 leg swings – front to back
:40 air squat to calf raise

:20 high knees in place
:40 supermans

:20 pogo hops
:40 kgsu


800M Run (3x’s around building)


A. Series: 4 Rounds

  • 15 db strict OH press
  • 12 sumo barbell deadlifts
  • 20 plate sit-ups
  • rest :60

B. Series: 3 Rounds

  • 12/12 kb box step-ups
  • 10 feet elevated push ups
  • 30 seated band lat pulls – fixed to rig
  • 12 db hammer curls
  • rest :60

C. Series: 2-3 Rounds

  • 15 oh db tri ext
  • 10 barbell upright rows
  • rest :60


(10-15 min)

*Set 4 cones equal spacing on both sides of the building(8 cones total). 1st cone and 4th cone should be placed on each end of the building. Members start at 1st cone & farmer carry kb’s to the next cone. Members then drop the kettlebells and sprint around the building until reaching their KB’s. Continue this sequence until kettlebells are back to original cone.