20:10 x 4 Rounds of: air squats + mountain climbers
7 Rounds Of: 2L Partner band sprints + 10 partner sit ups
:60/60 pigeon pose
:60 tactical frog
a1. 4×12 barbell back squats
a2. 12 seated L db oh press
*rest 1:00
b1. 3×8/8 db lunges
b2. 3×10/10 sa db high pull
b3. 3×20 bench dips
*rest 1:00
- 30 air squats
- 30/30 body weight box step ups
- 30 push ups
- 30 crunches with feet up
- 20 air squats
- 20 step ups
- 20 push ups
- 20 crunches with feet up
- 10 air squats
- 10/10 step ups
- 10 push ups
- 10/10 side plank w. leg raise