6.24.22. Renegade – Strength


  • easy speed 200M run + 20 banded squats + 20/20 mini band clam shells + 2L lateral band walk
  • medium speed 200M run + 20 banded squats + 20/20 mini band clam shells + 2L lateral band walk
  • fast speed 200M run + 20 banded squats + 20/20 mini band clam shells + 2L lateral band walk


  • :90 wall – hip stretch (lying on back, legs straight against wall)
  • :90 wall adductor stretch (feet neutral)


A. Series: 3 Rounds

  • 8.8. DB Box Step up to Press
  • 15/15 sa db bench rows
  • 8.8. Landmine rotation
  • rest :60

B. Series: 4 Rounds

  • 12.12. landmine bent over rows
  • 2L traveling BW reverse lunges
  • 8.8. SL KB RDL
  • rest 1:00


5 Rounds Of:

  • 5 burpees
  • 5/5 alt. DB snatch
  • 15 med ball slams
  • 10 butterfly situps
  • 5 knees to elbows