8.22.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
L stretch 1 10ea
Leg cradle 1 10ea
Bottom squat w/ thoracic rotation 1 10ea
Squat to MB, plus calf raise 2 10
3-way band pull 2 10ea
Shuffle 2 2L
A1- Battle rope- alt. mini waves 4 15ea
A2- Stagger stance good morning 4 15ea
A3- Burpees 4 10
A4- Kneeling DB pullover 4 15
A5- Jumping jacks 4 20 60″
B1- Battle rope- arms in and out 4 20
B2- SA Racked squat 4 10ea
B3- Plate push 4 4W
B4- Band rear delt. Flies 4 15
B5- MB slams 4 15 60″
SB dbl. knee tuck 3 15
Bird dog 3 10ea
SA OH walk 3 1L each 40″