2 Rounds:
- 10 monster band squats
- 10 monster band strict press
- 10 monster band pull-aparts
- 10 monster band pass-throughs
A. Series – 4 Rounds
4×5 Bench Press
10.10. Seated lateral MB ab toss
Rest :90
B. Series – 3 Rounds:
8 DB incline press
10 DB chest flys
Rest :90
C. 3 Rounds:
- 8 scap pull-ups
- 12 db rear delt flys
- Rest 1:00
“Mash Up” 20 minute AMRAP
Coaches Note: Starting around 35 minutes into workout. Start class in waves of 3 groups, starting with 1st exercise.
21 Deadlifts
1:00 HARD Row
15 Band Peg Squat Jumps
1:00 Singles
9 DB Thrusters
100M Sprint
*When complete, SMR anything tight/sore