9.11.20. TRIBUTE WOD


30:15 x 2 Rounds Each:

a. side lunge to balance – R + side lunge to balance – L + short lever plank & reach (palms up)
rest 1:00
b. body weight quick lunges + sit-outs
rest 1:00
c. banded good mornings + reverse crunches
rest 1:00


:90/90 LAX lat smash
:90/90 LAX glute smash
1:00/1:00 banded lat stretch


2001M Row or 2001 M Run (1.25 miles/7.5 times around building) – split with a partner every 200M on row or after 1 building lap
11 Box Jumps
11 DB Thrusters
11 Pull-ups
11 Power Cleans
11 Burpees
11 American KBS
11 Knees to Elbows
11 Deadlifts
11 DB Push