9.24.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

OLY A. Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 B. Clean Pull + clean above knees + clean below knees + squat clean 3 x (2+1+1+1) 2 x (1+1...

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9.17.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 1 Big Block Run -then- :30 OHS :30 PVC Pass-Throughs :90/90 banded hip flexor stretch OLY STRENGTH A. Snatch to ...

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9.10.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

STRENGTH E90 on 90 x 6 Rounds: M1 – 5 high hang squat cleans M2 – 5 hang squat cleans M3 – 5 PC + PJ W...

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9.3.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

STRENGTH 1 RM FR Squat WOD 2 RFT 400M Run 30 Thrusters 65/45...

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8.27.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 3 Rounds: 4 down backs 10 HR pushups 15 air squats MOBILITY :90/90 adductor smash :30 prayer :30 rev. prayer OLY...

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8.13.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

OLY A. Front Squats w. Tempo 3-3-1 5×2 rest 2:00 B. 4 Rounds: 4 PC + 4 FS + 4 PJ rest 2:00 C. 3 Rounds: 10.10. late...

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8.6.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

OLY A. High Hang Clean w/o Moving Feet 3-3-3-3 B. Squat Clean + Clean + Push Jerk 3 x (2+1+2) 2 x (1+1+1) C. Front Squat...

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7.30.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

OLY A. Press in split: 5×5 B1. Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Jerk 3x(1+2+2) 2x(1+1+1) B2. :40 weighted planks C. Front ...

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OLY Strength Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Front Squat 3 x (1+2+2) 2 x (1+1+1) Snatch to Balance 3×3 2×1 Front Squ...

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7.16.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

Warm Up :60s – easy row + inch worms :60s – medium row + inch worms + active sampson :60s – fast row + inch worms ...

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