7.2.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP A. Line Drills – 20:10  1-2 + 1-3 + 1-4 + 2-3 + 1-2-3-4 + 2-1-4-3 B. Activation x 2 Rounds 15 glute bridges 2...

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6.25.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

A. Clean (pause above knee) + above knee clean + below knee clean: 5x(1+1+1) B. Series: Hang Clean 5×2 2L – S...

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6.18.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP :30 inch worms active sampson plank push ups lateral lunges + 2 Min Cal Row + 2 Rounds Empty Bar Warm Up 5 hang ...

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6.11.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

A. Press in split 5×5 B. Clean Pull + HC + FS 4x(2+2+2( C. 3 Rounds: 2L unilateral KB lunges 12 slide board leg cur...

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3.26.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP :30 – inchworms, active sampson, jumping jacks, down dog push ups, air squats -then- 2 Rounds Empty Bar Warm ...

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3.19.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP :30 Jumping Jacks + Plank Push Ups :30 Mountain Climbers + Alt. SL RDL :30 Groiners + Active Sampson + 2 Rounds ...

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3.12.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

A. Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Front Squat 4 x (1+3+1) B. Front Squat + Jerk 2 x (3+1) 3 x (1+1) C. Snatch to Balance 4...

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3.5.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 2 Rounds: 1:00 rower 1:00 singles 1:00 TM/bike SMR :90/90 lats :90 T-spine :90/90 adductors STRENGTH A. EMOM x 5...

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2.27.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

A. Clean Pull + Power Clean 2x(2+1) 3x(1+1) rest :90 B. Front Squats 4×5 rest 2:00 C. 4 Rounds To Build To a Heavy ...

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2.20.20. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 10/10/10 bent over I’s, Y’s, T’s 5/5 active sampson 10 air squats 5/5 side lunges 10 HR pushup...

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