2.10.21. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 3 Rounds – :30 Each: pvc pass through pvc OHS act. sampson side lunges MOBILITY :90/90 SMR Lats :90/90 SMR...

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2.3.21. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP :30 singles + 2L(width) spidermans :30 singles + 10 plank push ups :30 singles + 4L (width) high knees :30 singe...

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1.27.21. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 5 Minutes Sled Push Relay push 1L pull 1L -then- 2 Rounds: 12.12. SL bridges 10.10. SL squats 10.10. long lever ...

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1.20.21. Renegade – 50:50

Warm Up Round 1 – 30 of Ea:  Tube chops (per side) + knee grab sit ups + crunches with feet up Round 2 – 20 of Ea...

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1.13.21. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP (19 min) *have rowers & equipment set up before class starts 200M row (easy) + 10 med ball ab/wall throw + 1...

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1.6.21. Renegade – 50:50

Warm Up: x2 EA/1 Length EA Dyn. Hip Ext. rotation + frankensteins + lunge with knee grab walking RDL w/reach + butt kick...

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12.30.20. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP – Chipper 50 singles 10 good-mornings 10 down dog – cobra 50 singles 5/5 prisoner lunge + twist 5/5 act. sam...

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12.23.20. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 2 Rounds: 5/5 alt. side lunges 1L act. sampson 10 supermans 1L trav. fig 4 -then- 7 minutes of: 4L shuttle run 1...

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12.9.20. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP :30 Go’s x 3 Rounds: living room side shuffle high plank jumping jacks alt. side lunges act. sampson infan...

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12.2.20. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 5 Min General Walking Mobility – Coaches Choice -then- :90/90 SMR Lats :30 PVC Pass Throughs :60/60 PVC front ...

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