2.28.24. Renegade – 50:50

Warm Up **Coaches note: divide class in half(1/2 starting on rowers, bike/treadmills & 1/2 starting on booty bands) ...

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2.21.24. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP Ladder Drills x 4 Sets Each: high knees forward moving in-in-out-out lateral high knees (2/2) SL hops (2/2) 2 fe...

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3.14.24. Renegade – 50:50

ACTIVATION 3 Rounds: 15 glute bridges 8/8 SL squats 5 negative push-ups w. tempo 4-2-1 SMR :90 low back :90 t-spine 1:00...

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2.7.24. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 1L soldier walks + 1L duck walk + 2L side shuffle 1L quad/rach + 1L duck walk + 2L side shuffle 1L traveling air...

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1.24.24. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 3 Rounds: 5 negative push-ups (3-3-1) 7 jump squats with 3 second pause 9 knees-to-chest 11 hollow rocks MOBILIT...

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1.17.24. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 5 Minute Empty Sled Push Relay -then- 3 Rounds: :20 iso glute bridge – R :20 iso glute bridge – L :20 jump s...

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1.10.23. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 5 Minutes General Mobility -then- 3 Rounds: 5 neg. push-ups (3-3-1) 7 jump squats w. 3 sec. bottom squat pause 9...

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12.27.23. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 20:10 x 4 Rounds of: wide-outs long lever plank hand taps pvc good-mornings -then- :30 pvc pass throughs 1:00/1:...

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12.20.23. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 3 Rounds: 2/2 – 1/4 TGU 8/8 bird dogs 10 HR push-ups :30 singles -then- 30:10 x 3 Rounds: turf width side shuf...

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12.13.23. Renegade – 50:50

WARM UP 5 Minute General Dynamic -then- 3 Rounds of :30 Go’s a. traveling box jumps (4 boxes) or broad jumps b. speed ...

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