8.31.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Animal walks Frankenstein walk 1 1L Duck walk 1 1L Lateral bear crawl 1 1/2 L ea. Bunny hop 1 1L...

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8.29.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Mobility Elbow/instep/rotation 1 5ea SA big shoulder circle 1 5ea/5ea Over the gate 1 5ea LAX ba...

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8.24.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest SMR (member choice) 5 mins Mobility & Activation FR snow angels + Band ext. shoulder rotatio...

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8.22.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up Grapevine + Spiderman climb 2 2L+8ea Shuffle + Bent-over thoracic rotation 2 2L+8ea High...

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8.17.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Mobility Tabletop to tripod 2 5ea Cat/cow 2 10 Side/side head turn 2 5ea Scaption, from toes 2 1...

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8.15.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up (2 or 3 people per group) Group 1: 1 Big block run 1 Group 2: 4 mins. of Mobility (coach...

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8.10.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest SMR & Mobility SMR back + Bottom squat w/ thoracic rotation 1 60″+10ea SMR Hamis + Fir...

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8.8.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Mobility Knee drivers 1 10ea Infant squat 1 10 Side/Side head tilt 1 10ea 3-way band pull 1 10ea...

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8.3.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Ladder drills + mobility + activation Fwd. hops 1 4 1/2 kneeling thoracic rotation 1 10ea Latera...

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7.27.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm up jog + inch worm 2 2L+1L jog + backward bear crawl 2 2L+1L jog + Tiger crawl 2 2L+1L jog ...

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