10.6.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Mobility 3-way band pull 1 5ea Ankle walk 1 10ea Modified froggies 1 10 Quadruped thoracic rotat...

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9.29.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up: Burpees 3 4 Monk walk 3 2ea Inch worm 3 4 – SMR & Mobility SMR glutes + Botto...

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9.27.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Mobility Shin box to stand 1 5ea Knee drivers 1 10ea Foam roller “T” spine 1 15 Foam...

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9.20.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Animal Walks Frankenstein walk 1 1L Inch worm 1 1L Bent-knee bear crawl 1 1L Backward bent-knee ...

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9.15.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Ladder drills 2leg forward hops 1 4 2 leg lateral hops 1 2ea Fight shuffle 1 2ea Grapevine 1 2ea...

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9.13.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up Singles 3 80 Scap pull-ups 3 10 Lying SL hip bridge 3 10ea BW squat to MB 3 10 – M...

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9.8.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Mobility BW dead bug 2 5ea Bottom squat hold 2 30″ Table top to squat 2 3ea Band int. shou...

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9.6.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up Traveling quad stretch + Traveling lunge 1 1L +1L Traveling hami stretch + Traveling SL ...

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9.1.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Pacer W.U. Rower sprint 3 200M Jog D&B 3 Walking Sled push 3 30″ Stretch 1/2 kneeling ...

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8.30.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise+A2:D31 Sets Reps Rest Line drills (1,2,3,4) + Warm Up 1&2 1 10ea Calf raises 1 15 Knee drivers 1 10ea 1&...

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