3.12.24. Renegade – Strength

Exercise Sets Reps Rest SMR & Activation SMR adductors + Monster band good morning 1 60″ea +20 SMR lats + Bent...

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3.7.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up Frankenstein walk + Close the gate 1 1L+ 10ea Chimp walk + Iso. Hip bridge w/ crossover ...

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3.5.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm-up: Jump rope 3 50 Scaption, from toes 3 10 Jump rope 3 50 Forward lunge with elbow/instep ...

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2.29.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest SMR & Mobility SMR calves + Knee drivers 30″ + 10ea SMR hamis + snow angels 30″ + 10 SMR...

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2.27.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Ladder Drills (x1) Quick feet 4 Lateral quick feet 2ea Skiers 4 Fight shuffle 2ea Icky shuffle 2...

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2.22.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest You-go-I-go Rower 4 30″ MB slams 4 30″ BW squat 4 30″ Mobility Elbow/instep/rotation 8ea B...

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2.20.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Animal Walks Zombie walk 2 1 length Bunny hop 2 1 length Bear Crawl 2 1 length Inch worm 2 1 len...

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2.15.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest You-go-I-go Iso. hip bridge w/ crossover reach 4 15ea/25/20/15 KB high pull 4 30/25/20/15 MB che...

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2.13.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest SMR & Mobility Foam roll (calves, hams, glutes, back, quads, IT bands, shins) then….. 1 30...

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2.8.24. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Activation: Modified froggies 2 60″/30″ Lying hip bridge 2 60″/30″ Scaption from toes 2 ...

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